What You Should Do To Manage Your Allergies

Do you have seasonal allergies? Do you become apprehensive ahead of time about the seasonal allergies that keep coming back? This article contains helpful information during allergy season. Keep reading to find out how you can better deal with allergies.

If there is a choice in the matter, avoid having carpeting or large area rugs in your home. Carpet is nearly impossible to completely clean, and the fibers hold onto dust, mites, dander, pollen and other substances that are quite irritating to allergy sufferers. Flooring that can be swept and easily mopped is best for allergy sufferers.

Be sure to wash thoroughly before you lay down for the night. Pollen, dust, and mold spores can sit on your hair as well as on top of your skin, which can encourage allergies in your sleep. You don’t need to soak in a tub. A fast shower will do the trick.

Test your reaction to first time over-the-counter allergy medications in your own home. Many antihistamines can cause people to feel drowsy and inhibit their different reflexes. Even when there is no severe warning listed on the label, take the initial dose whey you are in the comfort of your own home and do not need to operate a vehicle or anything else potentially hazardous if you become drowsy.

Before getting a pet, you should research to learn which pets are less likely to cause allergy problems. You can find a dog or cat that doesn’t shed all over the place to reduce the chances of you having a bad allergic reaction. To further minimize pet allergies, don’t let them sleep in the same bed as you.

Skin tests can help identify allergens, although they won’t help you determine how allergic you are to these substances. For example, testing can tell you if you have a pollen allergy. And, although you may not experience discomfort, it is possible to show mild symptoms after exposure to the allergen.

Exercise either in the early morning or late evening to avoid high pollen counts. Pollen levels are highest in the period between late morning and early evening; stay indoors during these times and you can avoid high concentrations of these allergens.

Dust mites are mostly likely in your home. These vile organisms thrive on dead skin as they burrow into your mattress and pillows. Very disgusting! To fight them, encase your pillows and mattresses in specialized zippered covers and cases. The follow-up is weekly cleaning of your bedding with a very hot wash, since heat is a dust mite killer.

It is possible your carpet is an allergy culprit. Carpet is well known for being a host for pollen, dust, and dust mites. If your home features rooms full of carpet, think about installing hardwood flooring surfaces where possible. This will reduce the amount of allergens in your home. If getting rid of your carpet isn’t feasible, vacuum daily instead.

If you experience your allergy symptoms like clockwork, watch that clock. Pollen is out in full force between the hours of 5 and 10 a.m., so if at all possible, avoid going out during these times. It’s important that you limit your exposure to the elements during times when pollen is running rampant.

As you can see after reading the above article, allergy season is no fun when suffering with allergies, but at least now there is some relief that will have you feeling better. You probably won’t be able to stop most allergies from happening in the first place, but you can control how much you suffer from symptoms. The information contained in this article can help you live life without allergies.

If you are a major sufferer of allergies, but love getting in an outdoor workout, it is best to do it during the early or late parts of the day so that you do not inhale as much pollen. Studies show that pollen levels are lowest at these times of the day and you will be most comfortable.

Editor’s Note:

The article above provides only general information and should not be construed as specific advice about your given situation. Instead, if you are facing a specific problem, you need to contact a medical professional in Lake Norman NC who has experience with this area.The recommended business on this site has expertise in this area of law and may be willing to give you a free or low-cost initial consultation so that you can resolve your problem.

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